Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Rain

Today's weather was so New England! Cloudy but humid and 86 degrees outside with the demeanor of a thunderstorm.  Which actually seems to be brewing fairly near my house.  Unless I'm actually listening to an airplane....either way I'm so excited for practice tonight! Playing water polo in the rain is sooo much fun!!

I wore my hair down for work today (which is a first...I usually wear it up to keep it out of the bunsen burner....haha....) but to avoid constantly tucking it behind my ears I did a little side braid and clipped my hair to the side of head.  It was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

I absolutely love braids! I'm constantly looking to add new braiding techniques to my repertoire, but so far I know how to do a normal braid (duh), fishtail, side braids, and a twirl braid (I forget what it's actually called).  I keep meaning to try a french braid on someone but I keep forgetting to try it out.

I had a delicious lunch today, still following the guidelines given by The Program.  I had some plain (boring) cereal for breakfast today, so I brought a decent sized lunch.

PB&Banana sandwich, pita chips, strawberries, and mache salad with ranch dressing

This little ziploc tupperware containers are super helpful! For lunches and for the environment...

I chose leftover salad from dinner last night instead of my usual carrots I pack in my lunch.

Trader Joe's always has the best snack foods everything.

To keep track of what I'm eating, count calories, and see how many servings I've eaten of a food group daily, I keep my special journal thing with me wherever I go.  I also use it for random doodling, lists of various things, and whatever comes to my mind.  It's actually a lab notebook, but it was a pretty color and I liked how the pages were numbered so I bought it for my own personal non-lab use.

In other news, I'm so excited for the weekend!  One of my teammates has a beach house (it is California) so the whole 18U team is going there for the whole weekend! We'll leave Friday after practice and get back Sunday afternoon.  I'm so ready to get rid of my horrible swim suit tan, but mostly my cap tan which has progressively been getting worse.

And with that, I'll leave you with my favorite song from last summer which I heard on the radio today for the first time in a while:

Hannah Marie


  1. I love the neon green nailpolish! I have recently discovered Trader Joes, the closest one to where I live is two hours away. They have the best white cheddar popcorn ever!

    Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    1. They totally do! Trader Joe's has the best everything :)

  2. pb & banana sandwiches are so of my new favorites.

    xo erica

  3. This post is making me extremely hungry ! Love banana sandwiches ..



  4. Looks super yummy! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

  5. Hi honey ;)
    I randomly found your blog and I love braiding as well! If you want to learn more techniques you sould search for letsmakeitup1 on youtube, she has the most amazing videos!

    Have a peek at my blog, maybe?

